Your company can make a huge difference to the local community when your staff take part in a volunteer day at Horton Community Farm. Your workforce will take away great memories of joining together to help this vital urban green space in a deprived area of Bradford. It’s team building with the bonus of making a positive difference to people and wildlife. Make it part of your Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) plan.
The pdf guide at this link includes further details including risk assessment, contacts and details of nearby food outlets for lunch.
Please complete the form at least 3 weeks before you plan on coming to the farm. If you have any queries in the meantime please use our contact form.
Tasks depend on the season and what projects are happening at the time but they might include:
- Veg bed tending
- Path maintenance
- Hedge trimming
- Mowing
- Shovelling soil to fill beds
- Laying woodchip
- Creating raised beds
- Fencing
How it will make a difference
By taking part in the maintenance and improvement of our site you’ll help enable:
- Forest Schools sessions
- Outdoor activities for families and their 0-5’s
- Mindfulness gardening sessions for over 50’s and their carers
- A programme of activities for sanctuary seekers
- Access to allotments for the local community
Please contact us so we can calculate the cost based on hours and group size.
As a guide, for up to 15 people, 9:30am to 3pm, the cost would be £200. Many more people than this requires extra staff.
We hugely appreciate the contributions that volunteers make but we need to cover costs as the grants that sustain our organisation are mostly geared towards running programmes for the people that need them the most.
Sometimes, if we have funding from elsewhere for specific projects we can provide these days for free so please do still get in touch if you have no budget.
Finding us
Find us using the info at this link.
- Shelter – On the day you’ll have access to our cabin for breaks, shelter and securely leaving valuables. There are chairs for everyone.
- Toilet – Clean and tidy compost toilet (looks like a normal toilet but no flush).
Hot drinks and drinking water (we recommend you bring your own bottle if you want to have it on hand).
Preparation checklist
- Gloves & boots – We have a good supply of gloves & boots if you don’t want to supply your own.
- Weather appropriate clothing – Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. If it’s raining, obviously wet weather clothing will be needed. Some raincoats available. If it’s sunny, sunblock and a sunhat is recommended.
- Sturdy footwear – Work-boots or old walking boots are recommended if you have them. We can provide boots if you don’t have your own. Waterproof footwear in wet weather or when the grass is wet is essential.
- Water – It is handy to bring your own bottle of water but tea, coffee and drinking water will be provided.
- Lunch – Please bring your own or use one of the many local shops or takeaways a very short walk from the site.
Sample structure of the day
9:30 – 10
Meet your host for the day at the entrance. An introduction to the farm’s purpose, history and values and a brief health & safety talk.
10 – 11
Morning of activities.
11 – 11:15
Teas & Coffees
11:15 – 12:45
Continuation of activities
12:45 – 13:45
13:45 – 15:00
Final session of activities