Growing Together for 0-5’s

Free, fun outdoor activities for 0-5’s at HCF

Every Monday
10am – 12pm
or 1-3pm

Email for more information.

Find us using the details at this link
Reimbursement available for bus travel for those who consider themselves on a low income. Taxis can also be used if bus travel is inconvenient (up to £15 for a return journey). Proof of purchase required.

For families with 0-5s (can include older siblings)

Activities for you and your little ones including growing food, bug hunts, playing in the sand pit, clambering on the boulders and nature themed crafts. We hope you can join us!

Shelter provided on rainy days. There’s still fun to be had!

It is a stay and play set-up. Parents/carers (along with our experienced 2 staff members) are responsible for making sure their children do not wander out of sight or do anything dangerous.

Growing Together Bradford is a partnership between Horton Community Farm and Grow to School.

A partnership between Horton Community Farm & Grow to School